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QUESTIONS THAT WILL HELP CLARIFY OUR GOALS Wednesday, June 30, 2004 Robert Elias Najemy http://www.HolisticHarmony.com1. What exactly is your goal or purpose here? 2. What is it that you would like to change, solve, manifest or create? 3. Why is this important to you? 4. If for some reason beyond your control you do not succeed, what do you image you will feel? 5. When you do succeed, what do you imagine you will feel? 6. If you had a magic wand and could create any results, please describe the result that would be 80% of what you want? a. How would you feel with that 80%? b. What would be missing for you? 7. Now please describe in detail your 100% result - that would satisfy you totally. 8. And now please describe a result that would be 200% - meaning that it is an even more positive result than the one you have previously described. a. How is this better? b. Is there any reason not to move towards this 200% goal? 9. Please explain why this is important to you in terms of your deepest values? 10. What deeper needs will be satisfied when you fulfill this goal. (Perhaps self-esteem, self-confidence, financial or professional security, freedom, happiness, meaning?) 11. Can you think of an even higher or more satisfying goal than the one you have presently described? What would is be? 12. What do you need increase or strengthen in order to manifest this goal: a. In yourself? b. In your effort? c. In your surroundings? (people, objects, activities, environment) 13. What do you need to lessen, let go of or free yourself from in order to achieve this goal? 14. What do you need to do differently in order to succeed? 15. Is there any part of you that might have the slightest doubt about: a. Yourself or you ability? If so what? b. The goal itself - whether it is worth it? If so why? c. Whether you actually want this result? If so why? d. Whether this is your real goal or a social or parental programming? 16. What prevents you from manifesting this result instantaneously -at this moment? 17. Close your eyes. Relax. Now imagine yourself having already succeeded and having created your chosen reality. a. How do you feel? b. Do you feel comfortable with this success? If not, why? c. Do you deserve this success? If not, why? 18. If you took total responsibility for creating your reality and believed that on one else plays any role whatsoever in creating it, how would you think, act and proceed differently towards this goal? 19. If you believed that you were all-powerful, how would you deal with this differently? 20. What do you choose to believe and do in order to move forward without obstacles quickly and efficiently to create the reality you choose? This part one of a series of questionnaires for Life Coaches and all interested creating a happier more satisfying life. More such questionnaires can be viewed at: http://www.HolisticHarmony.com/coachquestions/index.asp ~~~ Power Word : GMAT sampler Tuesday, June 22, 2004 Word Problem: The Price is HeightIf Sidney is taller than Roger, Roger is taller than Vernon, and Billy is taller than both Roger and Felix, then which of the following statements must be true? (A) Felix is taller than Roger (B) Sidney is taller than Billy (C) Roger is shorter than Felix. (D) Sidney is taller than Felix (E) Billy is taller than Vernon The Correct Answer to the Question above is: (E) This problem is simply a matter of keeping the information straight. The easiest way to do this is to make a scratchwork chart, putting one person's initial over another when the first person is known to be taller. The trick is to make sure you don't imply a relationship in heights when none is stated; so draw your chart very carefully. From the information given, your chart should show Sidney above Roger, Vernon below Roger (and Sidney), and Billy above Roger and Felix. Put Billy next to Sidney since we don't know which one's taller, and put Felix off to the side, since we don't know how Felix's height relates to anyone but Billy. Now look at the answer choices. As we just said, we only know Felix's height in relation to Billy, so (A) and (C) are out. (B) isn't necessarily true either: Both Sidney and Billy are taller than Roger, but we don't know which is taller than the other. That kills (D), too: Though Sidney and Billy are taller than Roger, we can't conclude that Sidney is also taller than Felix simply because Billy is. (E) is left by process of elimination. Just to check, Billy is taller than Roger and Roger is taller than Vernon, so Billy does indeed have to be taller than Vernon. ~~~ Coaching Sunday, June 20, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 Ways to Use Executive Coaching ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Emily Barnes http://www.exe-coach.com/eightways.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Succession grooming: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coaching can accelerate the development of high performing mid-level managers. In the course of an organization's life there is a natural ebb and flow of old and new talent in and out of the organization and its leadership ranks. To ensure the continued success of the organization, succession coaching ensures that sufficient attention is given to future leadership development. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Leadership team development: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combine individual and team coaching for the senior leadership team. The combined approach allows senior executives to identify their own growth goals, but also to implement a process which supports their responsibility for developing their subordinate managers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Performance coaching ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pre-empt the need for expensive executive search and outplacement processes. In many cases, the cost of a new hire can be two or three times more expensive than an executive coach. A good executive coach certainly can help narrow the gap between the actual and desired performance of a borderline manager. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Interpersonal skills development ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pre-empt the loss of high performers who are abusive to peers or subordinates. There are many stories to be shared about former successful executives whose careers were derailed because of a "personality clash." One such story involves an executive who was forced to confront his abusive personality only after his entire staff walked out on him during one of his "name-calling" meetings. When they refused to return until he changed his approach, he screamed like a baby! Not every case mirrors this extreme, but some high performers come pretty close to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Business etiquette grooming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Offer personalized coaching for highly talented individuals with underdeveloped social skills. It is noticed more often than it is discussed, but the lack of business or social etiquette can derail a career as quickly as a harsh or lackluster personality. Since 80% of communication occurs through body language and the subtlest gestures, we know that success in business requires a combination of technical know-how and personal presentation skills. Executive coaching can offer a safe approach to developing those skills and confidently using them in demanding situations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Promotion support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Give just-in-time support for newly promoted senior managers. Executive coaching can help the manager build a strong foundation to support his or her goals, identify the critical success factors involved in achieving and sustaining those goals, and serve as a sounding board for decision making early on in the new job. Coaching support at the initial stage of a job promotion accelerates the manager's learning curve and self-confidence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Transition management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Facilitate individual and team efforts to makethe transition to new cultural expectations. Transitions are opportunities for great strides forward but also pose significant dangers. Transitions can include a new management team taking over an organization or division, or an existing management team dramatically refocusing and restructuring its operation. Having a skilled, loyal transition team to support you while you are forming or rebuilding your permanent team can make a critical difference to the success of the endeavor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Conflict resolution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Help key performers who are clashing with each other develop mutual understanding and trust. It makes sense that intelligent people will disagree from time to time about how certain missions will be accomplished. However, when the conflict threatens the collaborative efforts of a team, the situation must be addressed before ongoing resentments destroy the team. Executive coaching can be structured to ameliorate the differences that create conflict between people who need to work together and strengthen the team for continued success. ~~~ Are You 3 Minute Thinker ? Thursday, June 17, 2004 Take this Quiz to Discover Answer TRUE or FALSE: We're all born skilled thinkers. Thinking requires a weekend, a hammock and a pitcher of lemonade. Breakthrough ideas come about mostly by accident. Feelings usually prevent good thinking. Smart people are the best thinkers. Too much thinking leads to inaction and too little thinking leads to superficiality. Answers: FALSE. While we are all born with a basic ability to think, that ability is rudimentary compared to what can be achieved by someone who develops their thinking as a true skill. FALSE. Thinking -- that is skilled thinking -- is a focused, deliberate activity that is done in short, concentrated bursts. FALSE. While some of the great ideas have indeed come about by accident (e.g., an apple hitting the head of Isaac Newton), most ideas come about through focused, deliberate thinking. FALSE. While this may be true for an unskilled thinker, part of the skill of thinking requires detaching oneself from one's ego and separating the feelings from the thinking. FALSE. In fact, smart people are often the worst thinkers. They often use their knowledge to defend a position instead of being willing to re-think or take a new position. That's one of the reasons children exhibit so much creativity potential. FALSE. If done skillfully, thinking can be done in 3-minute bursts. Sometimes more than one such burst is required. Often the best decisions can be made in only a few such bursts. In either case, the purpose of skilled thinking is always to get a result. ~~~ Knowledge Management Issue: Building Trust Friday, June 11, 2004 TOP TIPS: Building trust that builds virtual communicationThe necessity of dialogue can never be overstated. Remote communities or teams need to establish a trust-bound foundation through personalinteraction before any technological means are relied upon for communication. Here, author and consultant Nancy M. Dixon of Common Knowledge Associates details three vital considerations before you schedule that team conference call. 1. Build trust. This is formed through face-to-face meetings. Once formed, trust is like a full bucket: possible to "dip into" with virtual meetings. But after a while it will have to be refilled or it will vanish. 2. Understand the kind of content being requested. Explicit knowledge requires little trust and travels well virtually through e-mail, fax or a voice message. Tacit knowledge, however, does not. It requires a conversation in order to transfer knowledge effectively. If a trust relationship is established, then a virtual, synchronous exchange can carry on for a period before the "trust bucket" needs to be refilled. 3. Think reciprocity. One major reason members of a team are willing to come to a knowledge translating session, or "peer assist" is that they realize they will learn something. When teams meet virtually, the learning is greatly reduced. This loss is significant in the short term, but even greater in the long term. If originating teams consistently receive little for their effort, the practice will fade since effective knowledge-sharing systems depend on reciprocity. Source: Excerpted from "Does your organization have an asking problem?" in the current issue of KM Review. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Principles of Instruction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.id2.usu.edu/ http://www.id2.usu.edu/Papers/5FirstPrinciples.PDF Awesome cool file...get it soon. There are other things here if you have time to search. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Habits Author Stephen Covey Says Lack of Managerial Direction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.franklincovey.com/about/press/2004/xq_summary.pdf. Ultra cool stats...use this in writing training and coaching curriculum...great for key notes...you gotta' love this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More 7 Habits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/06 -08-2004/0002189227&EDATE Here is a backup article to the stats above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creating Coaching Websites That GRAB Attention Handout PDF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.passionforbusiness.com/files/ccwtga.pdf ICF Virtual Community - Teleclass with Karyn Greenstreet, June 14 at 6:30 PM eastern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tom Peters...Blogger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.tompetersnew.com/ Are blogs here to stay awhile...look just got in the mix. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Windows of Opportunity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.loth.org.uk/writing/windows.html Two cool quotes in this really good article: ""The confusion isn't over the word 'dimension' so much as it is over the word 'universe'." and "You didn't come here to make a choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it." -- The Oracle ("The Matrix: Reloaded") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amygdala Hijacked ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.internetworldstats.com/articles/art038.htm "Hijacked" is when your reptilian brain has taken over. Here's an article for you today: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Teaching and Learning home (a must download) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.uwex.edu/ces/pdande/learning/index.html Four PDFs: Design for Learning - A Self-Paced Guide (learner's workbook/guide), Design for Learning - A Facilitator's Guide, First Things First, A Handbook of Priority Setting, Helping Others Help Themselves: A Self-Study Series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapters of "Transforming the Mind" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.trans4mind.com/transformation/transform.htm#Background EQers are gonna spend a lot of time here...download these articles and the read later...it is a powerhouse site! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download 'Transforming the Mind' & much more... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.trans4mind.com/download1.html Many really awesome articles...I downloaded these to my EQ file under MIND. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free Software: Spy Sweeper and Window Washer (I have both) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.webroot.com Linda Taylor (who needs prayer - she is an incredible trainer and author and good friend which was diagnosed with cancer) sent this to me for the CTI! This freebie was in the Sunday Times (2/5/04) under the "doors " section. Spywire is a parasitic software that automatically downloads and safes itself on your hard disc when on the internet. It can cause your computer to slow down. The following web site is available to erase this software for free ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Index of Leadership Tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://prism.troyst.edu/~studorg/Leadership%20Tips/ Academic papers on leadership...get them now,,,these WILL move soon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brent Wilson's Homepage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~bwilson/ Training design and instruction papers...again I got these NOW because they will shift as the winds of the internet shifts...these are awesome with really cool models! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lessons Learned by NASA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://llis.nasa.gov/llis/plls/index.html This site is like really cool! You search a subject like "leadership" and it spits out real cases studies of lessons NASA learned....gotta subject you are researching or want a keynote topic...give this a click! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change Management Toolbook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.change-management-toolbook.com/ In this Toolbook for Change Management, I will offer you a broad range of methods and strategies which you can apply during different stages of personal and organizational development. In its core, the Toolbook is based on the concept of "Learning Organizations", which was mainly introduced by Peter Senge of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and it is strongly influenced by the work of Robert Dilts, who teaches Neurolinguistic Programming at the University of California. To compile this toolbook, I consulted and cited many books on Organizational Development. ~~~ HR roles Thursday, June 10, 2004 VITAL STATISTICS: Slow progress for HR on board-level representationNew research shows that the number of HR professionals present at board level is actually decreasing in some countries. The Birkbeck College study for the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) of 1,400 HR managers and 700 line managers in seven countries shows that overall board representation of HR has remained fairly constant in Europe (62% on average compared to 59% ten years ago). But within this, representation shows a marked decrease for France and Spain (a 15% and 20% drop respectively), a pronounced increase for Denmark and Germany (up by 18% and 32% respectively) and a small decrease of 2% for UK companies. Board level representation of HR in UK companies is now at 47%, compared to 70% and 53% in France and Spain. "British managers are least likely to see HRM as a powerful source of competitive advantage, perhaps revealing a skepticism about the strategic contribution of HR," the report states. Source: Chartered Management Institute, www.managers.org.uk ~~~ 1. Know what to measure. Benchmarking has no merit as an end in itself so choose measures that have the most impact on success and efficiency. Benchmarking anything other than these key performance indicators could tie up more time and effort than is worthwhile. 2. Look internally. Internal benchmarking can be a valuable way of flagging problem areas or high performers. This enables early intervention by HR or helps best practice spread across the whole organization. 3. Be picky on who you partner with. For external quantitative benchmarking to be useful, comparator organizations have to be chosen carefully. For example, find an organization whose achievements are realistic to aim to match, allowing reasonable improvement goals to be set. 4. Don't get bogged down in numbers. Qualitative benchmarking can also be highly valuable. Spending time with peers or shadowing them as they work gives the opportunity to benchmark an approach or method, focusing on the inputs rather than the outputs expressed in raw data. 5. Take action. Ultimately, any form of benchmarking can only provide information and must be turned into meaningful activity. Make sure your hard work gathering data and best practice gets turned into results. Source: Strategic HR Review Vol 3. Issue 5, July/August 2004 ~~~ story that coach Wednesday, June 09, 2004 The Viking CowboyBy Ruth Senter, "Startled by Silence" Book: Stories for a Man's Heart, The Viking Cowboy (orig. title) "WHEN YOUR JOB MAKES YOU DEAF..." When does a job become more important than the people you love? I've often asked myself that question. In an unexpected way, I met an answer. His ten-gallon hat barely cleared the doorway as he boarded Flight 721 in St. Louis. As he moved his towering frame down the aisle, swung his genuine cowhide case into the overhead compartment, and eased into the seat next to mine, I could tell this was no ordinary cowboy. He was cool and masculine as any aftershave commercial. He knew all the right lines and used them generously on everyone around him. I buried myself in my "Mainliner" magazine and tried not to notice. I wasn't enamored with a cowboy who appeared to have an ego twice the size of his hat. And I wasn't about to fall for his act. "That's a good article?" his voice boomed in my direction. "Uh-huh." "Ever heard of the Minnesota Vikings? I play football for them." Something in his tone sounded haunting. I sensed there was more he wanted to say. I closed my magazine and listened. He glanced across the aisle, then back at me. No one was watching. He quit acting. "Golden boy. Down the tubes." As he motioned thumbs down. I noticed his ring with an NFL insignia. "See these eyes? They're red from crying. Just left my wife and two sons. Can't even be with them anymore. Kicked out of my own house. Didn't know football players cried, did you?" As 727 roared toward Chicago, he spilled out the pieces of his broken dream. Hard work. Irregular schedules. Frequent moves. Always the excuse that someday they would have time for each other. But one day there was no more someday. "You know what my job became?" he asked. An ego trip, that's what! After a while, my job was everything. Couldn't even hear what my family was saying. "You wrote articles. Tell your readers that when a job makes you deaf to your family, you'd better quit. Tell 'em I said so -- and I ought to know!" We pulled up to the United gate, but even the congestion on the Concourse E didn't interrupt the cowboy's discourse. "You've got your family," he exclaimed. "Hang on to them for all you're worth. Make them feel they're the most important to you. It's an empty world without them. I ought to know." He tipped his ten-gallon hat in my direction, and I watched him climb into his waiting limousine and head for downtown Chicago. Tomorrow, I thought, he'll be back running touchdowns. "Tell your readers," he'd said to me, "when your job makes you deaf to your family you'd better quit." I promised him I would. ~~~ Learning Games - Interpersonal Communications Tuesday, June 08, 2004 This games was shared by member of mailing list - Training Ideas : K SentilWin As Much As YOU Can ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Objectives: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To enable the participants understand and develop competencies needed for · Building and maintaining positive relationships to enhance trust, open communications, and to facilitate problem solving · To develop collaborative attitude within and between teams in work situation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time required: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 90 minutes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Method: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Divide the group into 4 teams randomly (the best method is to ask all the participants to call numbers from 1 to 4 sequentially and joining all the ones, twos, threes and fours as separate groups). Ask the members to select a leader for the group. Then tell the leaders to tear a paper from their pad and again tear it into 10 pieces. Once it is over, say "We are going to involve in an learning exercise called, 'Win As Much As You Can' (Write it on the board). There will be 10 rounds in this exercise. All you have to do is for each round, as a group you have to vote for either 'X' or 'Y'. 'X' and 'Y' have no meanings but depending upon the overall voting, your group may win or loose points as per the table (present the table)". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Results pattern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (No. of groups voting for 'X' and 'Y') Points if a group has voted for X = Points if a group has voted for Y = 4X - -100 - 3X 1Y +100 -300 2X 2Y +200 -200 1X 3Y +300 -100 - 4Y - +100 Explain the table to the groups as under and ensure understanding. (Eg.) · If all the groups have voted for X (4X), then all will lose 100 points (-100). · If three groups have voted for X and 1 group for Y (3X, 1Y) then the 3 groups which have voted for X will gain 100 points each whereas the one group which had voted for Y will loose 300 points (-300). · If one group had voted for X and all the other three have voted for Y (1X, 3Y), then the one group which had voted for X will gain 300 points (+300) whereas all the other three groups which had voted for 'Y' will loose 100 points each (-100 each). · If all the groups have voted for 'Y' (4 Y) then all the groups will gain only 100 points each (+100 each). ~~~~~~~~~~~ Say ~~~~~~~~~~~ "But remember that the objective of the game is to (stress) 'Win as much as you can' and at the end of all the rounds let us see the results and discuss. You as a group can decide your vote (either for X or Y) and write the vote in the small piece of paper. When all the groups have finished voting, the papers will be collected and the results will be announced. The two conditions for the game are: 1. The discussion should be only within the group and no discussion will be allowed between the groups. 2. The decision of the group for each round and the results of the round should be kept confidential. Do not reveal either the decision or the results to other groups verbally or non-verbally." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Round 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then start the first round. Allow the groups about 3 minutes for deciding. Once all the groups have finished, collect the slips, count the votes for X and Y and write it on the board ( like "4X", "3X 1Y", "2X 2Y" and so on. Round 1 Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Announce how much the group which have voted for X and Y will gain or lose respectively. Ask the groups to record their points for each round depending upon their choice (X or Y) based on the table. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Round 2,3,4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then go to the second round and repeat the procedure. Do 4 rounds Once the fourth round is over, ask the leaders of the groups to come out of the group and take them outside the room. Say to the 4 leaders, "The objective of the game is to 'Win as much as you can' and hence I am going to give you a chance for interacting with other group leaders. For the remaining six rounds you can evolve a strategy for 'Winning as much as you can'. While doing so, you can either disclose your winning or loosing in the earlier rounds to others or keep it as a secret. You have three minutes to evolve a strategy". Leave the training room. Say (to the others) "Your leaders are evolving a strategy for 'Winning as much as you can' in the next six rounds. They will come back and inform you the strategy they have developed to 'win as much as you can' in the next six rounds. As members of the group, you have the options of accepting, modifying or rejecting the strategy. But keep the objective of 'Winning as much as you can' in your mind". After 3 or 4 minutes call the leaders inside. Allow them to inform the strategy they have developed to their respective groups. When the group is about to take the decision, Say "Since some groups have lost in the earlier rounds, I am going to announce a bonus of 4 times for this round. Your profit or loss will be multiplied by 4 for this round. For example a gain of 100 points will be taken as +400 points whereas a loss of 100 points will be taken as - 400 points. Take a wise decision to 'Win as much as you can". Do not allow any inter group communication at this stage. Allow the groups to make the decision and repeat the procedure as in earlier rounds. For 5th round - No Bonus For 6th round - Announce a Bonus of 6 times For 7th round - No Bonus For 8th round - Announce 8 times bonus and allow the leaders to go for discussion. (If they do not want to go, accept it and continue the next round). For 9th round - No Bonus For 10th round - No Bonus Now, Say "All the rounds are over. But in order to make you all 'Win as much as you can', I am going to give 2 more additional rounds". Ask the leaders to prepare 2 more slips, Start the 11th round and announce a bonus of 20 times. Ask them to use the opportunity to 'win as much as they can'. After the results are announced go to the 12th round and announce a bonus of 30 times. Once the 12th round is completed, ask the leaders to balance their scores and write it on the Board/flip chart. Group Result I Profit/Loss: II Profit/Loss: III Profit/Loss: IV Profit/Loss: Overall profit or Loss ~~~~~~~~~~~ Observe during the exercise: ~~~~~~~~~~~ · How the group members are communicating within themselves? · Who is talking to whom? Who is not talking? · Whether the leaders involved others, particularly the silent people to share their opinions? · Who is taking the decisions? · Who is influencing the decision in various rounds? · How the leaders have decided on the strategy? · The feelings when bonus is announced? · Feelings when the decision/strategy was changed? · At the end of the exercise, what was the overall feeling expressed (look for accusations of other groups)? After this, briefly review the whole process and .. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Discussussion ~~~~~~~~~~~ · The importance of openly sharing information with the concerned people both within and between teams · The value of trust in communication and in building relationship · How trust is build based on open and accurate communication · Importance of seeing the larger picture and giving the positive and negative aspects of any decision while trying to convince the team members · Significance of clear understanding of the situation and being convinced before communicating something to others · Taking responsibility for one's decision and its communication · Method of pointing out other's mistakes in a non-judgmental manner and using them for learning · How collaborative spirit based on " win-win " approach can lead to better atmosphere and outcome in team work situations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Conclude the session by stressing that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · Communicating openly · Listening to differing viewpoints · Trusting and being trustworthy and · Working towards a "win-win" situation can develop and strengthen meaningful relationship in work situations, which in turn will lead to excellent outcomes and positiveness in work atmosphere within the organization. ~~~ |
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