Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Training workers in CR

In an ideal world, all those who represent a company; employees, agents, suppliers and the board, need to be competent in carrying out the company's values as expressed in CR policies and procedures.

After all, aren't all those who act on behalf of your company, workers in the field of CR, just as much as in the field of profit generation and sustainable brand value? Here are five top tips for using training to engage workers in CR.

1. CR training for company representatives is a 360-degree event. It's critical to know what staff members know about your policy and subsequently, what they've learned.

2. Bare in mind that you should be concerned not only with induction training, but ongoing learning within the organization, continuing education and ensuring continuous improvement in the use and usefulness of CR as a core tool for achieving corporate goals.

3. Examine your CR policy and define its areas; ethics, philanthropy, bribery and corruption, recycling rules, environmental standards and so on. Cover all the defined areas within the training.

4. Within training, use lots of discussions - not only of scenarios that could arise in your company, but also as opportunities for attendees to teach each other and share any knowledge and experiences they may have of CR.

5. Finally, use training as an opportunity for staff to scrutinize and give feedback on your CR policy and even your CR reports. This has many benefits including a clear opportunity for staff to input on company policy and can highlight areas of the policy or report that are unclear or need updating and, illustrate programs the company is already involved in.

Adapted from "Engaging workers via training" by Eileen Kohl Kaufman, in the current issue of Corporate Responsibility Management.

Blogged on 6:17 PM by Upay


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